The following keyboard shortcuts are programmed for the Configuration Window:\\ |A1 |Selects the tabbed page with the file names and functions  | |A2 |Selects the tabbed page with the parameters for full screen mode | |A3 |Selects the tabbed page with the parameters for window mode  | |A4 |Selects the tabbed page with the parameters for the associated files.| |Cl || |Cw |Activates or opens a Stock List window. | If there is already a Stock List window open when the keystrokes are made, this window is given precedence (i.e. is selected and comes to the forefront).  If there is no Stock List window open, a new one is opened.  When one is in the Stock List window, and presses Cw again, a second window of the same Stock List is opened. |Cd |Invokes the Description Editor| |Cg |Invokes the Graphic Testpad | $ |Ce |Invokes the Timetable Editor and loads the active Timetable File into it.| |Cn |Invokes the Timetable Editor with a new, empty timetable file in it.| | % |Starts the program in window test mode| |B% |Starts the program in full-screen mode.| Back to [[cfgoverview|Overview]]