**''[O:''** ''[[picturename|]],[[xy|,]],[[simple|]]'' **'']''** Overlay Overlays the picture '''' on a base picture at the coordinates '''', ''''. The number of pixels specified in '''' are cropped from the bottom of the overlay picture, thus enabling one to "push" the overlay picture down. The default for '''' places the middle of the overlay picture at the middle of the base picture and the default for '''' places the overlay picture on the top edge of the base picture.  The default for '''' is **''0''**. This command  can be used to place loads, logos and other such modifiers onto vehicles.  The '''' parameter is used when, for example, a load "floats" over a freight  wagon because the wagon's load area is not the highest portion of the picture, such as with a low sided open wagon or gondola. By inputting a '''' value you can "push" the load down to its proper resting surface, which in the above case, would be behind the walls of the wagon.  Using '''' is only helpful when the base picture is not transparent.  If the base picture is transparent, the correct  command is **''[OT: ]''**. If the overlay picture has transparent pixels, the picture is copied before  the base picture. There are 3 groups of similar modifiers. The **''[[o|[O: ]]], [[ot|[OT: ]]], [[ob|[OB: ]]]''** modifiers put the overlay picture immediately on the specified position. The **''[[ppbpt|[P: ], [PT: ], [PB: ]]]''** modifiers define the place for the overlay picture (usually in a macro definition), the overlay picture will be specified in a following modifier. The **''[[ddbpt|[D: ], [DT: ], [DB: ]]]''** modifiers define both the position and the overlay picture (usually in a macro definition), the overlay picture will be placed only at the usage of a following modifier, having to specify only the name of the overlaying, a single word.