**''[P:''** '',[[xy|,]],[[simple|]]'' **'']''**\\ **''[PB:''** '',[[xy|,]],[[simple|]]'' **'']''**\\ **''[PT:''** '',[[xy|,]],[[simple|]]'' **'']''**\\ '' == [[name|]]'' Point, Point Behind, Point Transparent Defines a place for showing a picture at the coordinates '','' with height '''' in pixel. After this modifier a **''[''** '''' **'':''** '''' **'']''** modifier can be used with the same result, as a **''[O:''** '',,,'' **'']''** command. The value '''' can be omitted.  Its default is 0. The use of these commands can make many copies without the burden of a lot of typing.  They predefine point coordinates at which overlay pictures often appear.  Usually the command **''[P: ]''** is saved in one of the macros which are attached to vehicles in the Stock List or in a macro definition in the Timetable file,  and the **''[''** '':'' **'']''** modifier stays in a Movement line in the Timetable file. The **''[P: ]''** command copies the transparent pixels of the overlay picture to the base picture; **''[PB: ]''** copied behind the base picture and **''[PT: ]''** uses a transparent copy: the transparent pixels of the overlay are not copied to the base picture. There are 3 groups of similar modifiers. The **''[[o|[O: ]]], [[ot|[OT: ]]], [[ob|[OB: ]]]''** modifiers put the overlay picture immediately on the specified position. The **''[[ppbpt|[P: ], [PT: ], [PB: ]]]''** modifiers define the place for the overlay picture (usually in a macro definition), the overlay picture will be specified in a following modifier. The **''[[ddbpt|[D: ], [DT: ], [DB: ]]]''** modifiers define both the position and the overlay picture (usually in a macro definition), the overlay picture will be placed only at the usage of a following modifier, having to specify only the name of the overlaying, a single word.