====== Documentation ====== __You are seeing a work in progress.__ The Traffic Screensaver documention - an internal, working version - was converted to the DokuWiki format and uploaded here. No manual review is happened yet, and the conversion itself can have bugs. Of course, such bugs won't change the sentences in the text, but the format can be incorrect, and some parts - pictures, for example - can fail. So, please, do not edit this pages until this notice is here - maybe all pages will be uploaded once more, and then your work will be lost. * [[content|Table of Contents]] * [[welcome|Welcome to the Traffic Screensaver v. 4.6]] * [[whatisnewinthecurrentversion|What is New in the Current Version?]] * Overview * [[programoverview|Program Overview]] * [[configurationwindow|The Configuration Window]] * [[theprogramwindow|The Program Window]] * [[stocklist|The Stock List]] * [[graphictestpad|The Graphic Testpad]] * [[timetablefile|The Timetable File]] * [[descriptioneditor|Description Editor]] * The Configuration Window * [[cfgoverview|Overview]] * Configuration Window Menu Bar * [[cfgmfunctions|Functions]] * [[cfgmcache|Cache]] * [[cfgmlanguage|Language]] * [[cfgmoptions|Options]] * [[cfgmother|Special]] * [[cfgmhelp|Help]] * [[cfgfiles|Main tab]] * [[cfgfullscreen|Full Screen tab]] * [[cfgwindowmode|Window tab]] * [[cfgfileassoc|Files tab]] * [[cfgkeyboardshortcuts|Keyboard Shortcuts]] * Program Window * [[prgoverview|Overview]] * [[prgcontextmenu|Context Menu]] * [[prgkeyboardshortcuts|Keyboard Shortcuts]] * Stock List * [[stloverview|Overview]] * [[stlpicturedisplay|Picture Display]] * [[stllabels|Labels]] * [[stlstatusbar|Status Bar]] * Stock List Menu Bar * [[stlmfile|File]] * [[listfunctions|List functions]] * [[stlmoptimize|Optimizing functions]] * [[stlmnew|New]] * [[stlmfind|Find]] * [[stlmpictures|Pictures]] * [[stlmsettings|Settings]] * [[stlmview|View]] * [[stlmattributes|Attributes]] * [[stlmlabel|Label]] * [[stlmhelp|Help]] * Shortcut Keys * [[stlkeyboardshortcuts|Overview]] * [[stltastpathway|... for Pathway Parameters]] * [[stltasttype|... for Type]] * [[stltasttransparency|... for Picture Transparency]] * [[stltastlistmotion|... for Stock List Navigation]] * [[stltastselections|... for Managing Vehicle Selections]] * [[stltastmacros|... for Macro Management]] * [[stltastfind|... for Finding & Renaming]] * [[stltastother|... for Other Functions]] * Author's database * [[stlaudoverview|Overview]] * Description Editor * [[stldesoverview|Overview]] * Graphic Testpad * [[grpoverview|Overview]] * Graphic Testpad Menu Bar * [[grpmfunctions|Functions]] * [[grpmedit|Edit]] * [[grpmview|View]] * [[grpmhelp|Help]] * [[grpcontrolelements|Control Elements]] * [[grppicturedisplay|The Vehicle Depiction]] * [[grpcommandline|The Command Line]] * [[grpdragdrop|Drag & Drop Fields]] * [[gmmfileusage|Mouse menu file (.gmm)]] * [[grpkeyboardshortcuts|Keyboard Shortcuts]] * Timetable Editor * [[tttoverview|Overview]] * Timetable Editor Menu Bar * [[tttmfile|File]] * [[ttthelp|Help]] * [[tttdragdrop|Drag & Drop Fields]] * [[ttteditorfield|Editing Field]] * [[tttkeyboardshortcuts|Keyboard Shortcuts]] * Timetable Syntax and Semanics * [[overview_timetable|The Traffic Timetable File]] * [[generalrules|General Rules]] * [[buildup|Build-up of a Timetable File]] * [[conditional_evaluations|Formulating Conditional Evaluations]] * [[textmacroprocessing|Text macro processing]] * The timetable header * [[thetimetableheader|The timetable header]] * [[hlpweb|$HLPWEB]] * [[info|$INFO]] * [[minver|$MINVER]] * [[noauthors|$NOAUTHORS]] * [[nocat|$NOCAT, $NOCATENARY]] * [[norail|$NORAIL]] * [[nostoponclick|$NOSTOPONCLICK]] * [[nostoponkey|$NOSTOPONKEY]] * [[nostoponmove|$NOSTOPONMOVE]] * [[opt|$OPT, $OPTION]] * [[optcmd|$OPTCMD, $OPTION_COMMAND]] * [[optend|$OPTEND, $OPTION_SUBMENU_END]] * [[optgdef|$OPTGDEF, $OPTION_GENERAL_DEFAULT]] * [[optsub|$OPTSUB, $OPTION_SUBMENU]] * [[version|$VERSION]] * [[timetablecommands|Global Timetable Commands]] * [[above|$AB, $ABOVE]] * [[accel|$A, $AC, $ACCEL, $ACCELERATION]] * [[bgcolor|$BGCOLOR, $BACKGROUND]] * [[below|$BL, $BELOW]] * [[brake|$B, $BR, $BRAKE, $DECELERATION]] * [[copdist|$CD, $COPDIST, $COUPLE_DISTANCE]] * [[cset|$CSET]] * [[copspeed|$CV, $COPSPEED, $COUPLE_SPEED]] * [[def|$DEF, $DEFINE, $DEFINE_MACRO]] * [[escene|$EC, $ENDC, $ESCENE, $ENDSCENE]] * [[endgroup|$EG, $ENDG, $EGRP, $EGROUP, $ENDGROUP]] * [[endline|$EL, $ENDL, $ELINE, $ENDLINE]] * [[end|$END, $EXIT]] * [[env|$ENV, $ENVIRONEMENT]] * [[endpool|$EO, $EPOOL, $ENDPOOL]] * [[ep|$EP, $ENDP, $EPATH, $ESLINE, $ENDSCENELINE, $ENDPATH]] * [[error|$ERR, $ERROR]] * [[endsection|$ES, $ENDS, $ESECT, $ESECTION, $ENDSECTION]] * [[group|$GRP, $GROUP]] * [[vehicle_height|$IMGY, $VEHICLE_HEIGHT]] * [[include|$INC, $INCLUDE]] * [[iv|$IV, $INITIAL_SPEED, $STARTSPEED]] * [[line|$LINE]] * [[maxline|$ML, $MAXLINE]] * [[minspace|$MS, $MINSPACE]] * [[namespace|$NS, $NAMESPACE]] * [[path|$PATH, $SLINE, $SCENELINE]] * [[phasestep|$PH, $PHSTEP, $PHASESTEP]] * [[pool|$POOL]] * [[random|$RANDOM, $SEQ, $SEQUENCE]] * [[randomstart|$RANDOMSTART]] * [[require|$REQ, $REQUIRE]] * [[scene|$SCENE]] * [[cset|$SET]] * [[section|$SECT, $SECTION]] * [[skiperr|$SKIPERR]] * [[speed|$SPEED]] * [[splash|$SPLASH]] * [[stock|$STOCK]] * [[tx|$TX, $TEXT]] * [[txb|$TXB, $TEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR]] * [[txc|$TXC, $TEXTCOLOR]] * [[txx|$TXX, $TXHPOS, $TEXTPOSITION]] * [[txy|$TXY, $TXVPOS, $TEXTVERTICALPOSITION]] * [[ud|$UD, $USEDEFDIR, $USE_DEFAULT_DIRECTION]] * [[usecache|$USECACHE]] * [[way|$WAY]] * [[$wr$we$wa$wt$wm|$WR, $WE, $WA, $WT, $WM]] * Sections, Groups, Lines, Scenes * [[sectionsgroupsrows|Sections, Groups, Lines, Scenes]] * [[lifetimeparameters|Lifetime parameters]] * [[limit_movement|COUNT = ; LC = ; LIMIT_MOVEMENT = ;]] * [[finish_mode|FIN = ; FINISH_MODE = ;]] * [[limit_time|LT = ; LIMIT_TIME = ; TIME = ;]] * [[unlimited|NL; NO_LIMIT; UNLIMITED;]] * [[dimension-parameter|Dimension Parameters]] * [[above|AB = ; ABOVE = ;]] * [[below|BL = ; BELOW = ;]] * [[width|DX = ; WIDTH = ;]] * [[secheight|DY = ; HEIGHT = ;]] * [[vehicle_height|IMGY = ; VH = ; VEHICLE_HEIGHT = ;]] * [[left|LEFT = ; X = ; X0 = ;]] * [[maxline|ML = ; MAXLINE = ;]] * [[minspace|MS = ; MINSPACE = ;]] * [[top|TOP = ; Y = ; Y0 = ;]] * [[pathwayparameters|Pathway parameters]] * [[bgcolor|BGC = ; BGCOLOR = ; BACKGROUND_COLOR = ;]] * [[bg|BG = ; BACKGROUND = ;]] * [[fg|FG = ; FOREGROUND = ;]] * [[tg|TG = ; TBG = ; TEMPORARY_BACKGROUND = ;]] * [[xg|XG = ; XBG = ; GROWABLE_BACKGROUND = ;]] * [[tx|TX = ; TEXT = ;]] * [[txb|TXB = ; TEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR = ;]] * [[txc|TXC = ; TEXTCOLOR = ;]] * [[txx|TXX = ; TXHPOS = ; TEXTPOSITION = ;]] * [[txy|TXY = ; TXVPOS = ; TEXTVERTICALPOSITION = ;]] * [[w1|W = ; WAY = ;]] * [[we|WR=; WE=; WA= ; WT= ; WM= ;]] * [[wp|WP = ; WAYPOINT = ; WAYPOINTS = ;]] * [[finetuningthemovements|Fine-tuning the movements]] * [[copdist|CD = ; COPDIST = ; COUPLE_DISTANCE = ;]] * [[copspeed|CV = ; COPSPEED = ; COUPLE_SPEED = ;]] * [[iv|IV = ; INITIAL_SPEED = ; STARTSPEED = ;]] * [[addingfurtherparameters|Adding further parameters]] * [[ap|AP=]] * [[env2|ENV =]] * [[pooluse|POOL=;]] * [[movements|Movements]] * [[mback|M=BACK;]] * [[mchange|M=CHANGE;]] * [[mcut|M=CUT;]] * [[mcut2|M=CUT2;]] * [[mfollow|M=FOLLOW;]] * [[mget|M=GET;]] * [[mmeet|M=MEET;]] * [[mnull|M=NULL;]] * [[mopen|M=OPEN;]] * [[mpass|M=PASS;]] * [[mput|M=PUT;]] * [[mrcut|M=RCUT;]] * [[mstop|M=STOP;]] * [[mechg|M=ECHG; M=ECHANGE; M=SYSTEM_CHANGE;]] * [[mhead|M=HEAD; M=XBACK; M=TERMINUS_ARRIVE;]] * [[mpush|M=PUSHl M=TERMINUS_DEPART;]] * [[msimple|M=SIMPLE; M=THROUGH;]] * [[mturn|M=TURN;]] * [[munit|M=UNIT;]] * [[composition_trains|The Composition of Trains]] * [[globalmodifiers|Global Modifiers]] * [[definitiondirection|Definition direction]] * [[criteriaforconditionalmodif|Criteria for conditional modifiers]] * [[maximaltrainlength|Maximal train (part) length]] * [[pantographstatesettings|Pantograph state settings]] * [[dir|$DIR()]] * [[composition_a_vehicle|Composition of a vehicle from phase pictures]] * [[modifiers|Modifiers]] * [[a|[#A: ]]] * [[b|[#B: ]]] * [[d|[#D: ]]] * [[v|[#V: ]]] * [[w|[#W: ]]] * [[a2|[A: ]]] * [[t|[ABC: ]]] * [[animation|[ANIM: ]]] * [[ao|[AO: ]]] * [[ar|[AR: ]]] * [[a2|[AT: ]]] * [[b2|[B: ]]] * [[bc|[BC: ]]] * [[bt|[BT: ]]] * [[c|[C: ]]] * [[ca|[CA: ]]] * [[cbclcr|[CB: ]]] * [[cbclcr|[CBL: ]]] * [[cbclcr|[CBR: ]]] * [[cbclcr|[CL: ], [CLB: ]]] * [[cbclcr|[CLF: ]]] * [[cp|[CP: ]]] * [[cbclcr|[CR: ], [CRB: ]]] * [[cbclcr|[CRF: ]]] * [[cropl|[CROPL: ]]] * [[cropl|[CROPR: ]]] * [[cropt|[CROPT: ]]] * [[cbclcr|[CY: ]]] * [[ddbpt|[D: ]]] * [[da|[DA: ]]] * [[ddbpt|[DB: ]]] * [[ddbpt|[DT: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DID: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DIDT: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DIL: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DILS: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DILT: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DIR: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DILS: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DIRT: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DOD: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DODT: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DOL: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DOLT: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DORT: ]]] * [[didildirdoddolldor|[DOR: ]]] * [[e|[E: ]]] * [[ec|[EC: ]]] * [[ecd|[ECD: ]]] * [[ed|[ED: ]]] * [[edc|[EDC: ]]] * [[em|[EM: ]]] * [[emc|[EMC: ], [ECM: ]]] * [[emx|[EMX: ]]] * [[e|[EO: ]]] * [[es|[ES: ], [ESR: ]]] * [[es|[ESL: ]]] * [[e|[ET: ]]] * [[eu|[EU: ]]] * [[ex|[EX: ]]] * [[f|[F: ]]] * [[fl|[FL: ]]] * [[l|[L: ]]] * [[m|[M: ]]] * [[mp|[MP: ]]] * [[msk|[MSK: ]]] * [[mx|[MX: ]]] * [[mx1|[MX1: ]]] * [[n|[N: ]]] * [[name2|[NAME: ]]] * [[ncnclncr|[NC: ], [NCL: ], [NCR: ]]] * [[nlnr|[NL: ]]] * [[nm|[NM: ]]] * [[nlnr|[NR]]] * [[nt|[NT: ]]] * [[nt|[NTL: ]]] * [[nt|[NTR: ]]] * [[o|[O: ]]] * [[ob|[OB: ]]] * [[omfi|[OMFI: ]]] * [[omh|[OMH: ]]] * [[omh|[OMHB: ]]] * [[omhi|[OMHI: ]]] * [[omhi|[OMHIB: ]]] * [[omhi|[OMHIT: ]]] * [[omh|[OMHT: ]]] * [[omv|[OMV: ]]] * [[omv|[OMVB: ]]] * [[omv|[OMVT: ]]] * [[ot|[OT: ]]] * [[oy|[OY: ]]] * [[ppbpt|[P: ]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[P1U]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[P12U]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[P14U]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[P2U]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[P23U]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[P3U]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[P32U]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[P4U]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PAU]]] * [[ppbpt|[PB]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PBIU]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PBU]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PD]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PDBU]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PDFU]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PDO]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PDU]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PFIU]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PFU]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PHU]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PLU]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PMU]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PN]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PNO]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PRU]]] * [[ppbpt|[PT]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PTU]]] * [[pantographstatesettings|[PU]]] * [[r|[R: ]]] * [[t|[T: ]]] * [[t|[TD: ]]] * [[tntltrtt|[TL: ]]] * [[tntltrtt|[TN: ]]] * [[tntltrtt|[TR: ]]] * [[nt|[TT: ]]] * [[t|[TX: ]]] * [[vd|[VD: ]]] * [[vi|[VI: ]]] * [[wo|[WB: ]]] * [[wd|[WD: ]]] * [[win|[WIN: ]]] * [[wm|[WM: ]]] * [[wo|[WO: ]]] * [[wo|[WT: ]]] * [[xc|[XC: ]]] * [[xc1|[XC1: ]]] * Actions * [[selanimtostart|Selecting the animation(s) to start]] * [[randomanimations|Random start of animations]] * [[pantographstatechanges|Pantograph state changes]] * [[snow|Snow]] * [[growtemporarybackground|Grow temporary background]] * [[impulses|Impulses]] * [[syntaxelemente|Syntax elements]] * [[numerus|<#>]] * [[acceleration|]] * [[animationrules|]] * [[boolean|]] * [[brightness|]] * [[color|]] * [[contrast|]] * [[deceleration|]] * [[direction|]] * [[fgbg|]] * [[filename|]] * [[hex|]] * [[integer|]] * [[language|]] * [[linetext|]] * [[name|]] * [[newcolor|]] * [[optcmdlst|]] * [[paramstoadd|]] * [[picturename|]] * [[place|]] * [[point|]] * [[ponilist|]] * [[real|]] * [[row|]] * [[simple|]] * [[speed2|]] * [[text|]] * [[train|]] * [[trainlist|]] * [[wh|,]] * [[waittime|]] * [[xy|,]] * [[xaya|,]] * Stock List File * [[stocklistfile|Stock List File]] * Stok List File Keywords * [[auth|$AUTH]] * [[authcnt|$AUTHCNT]] * [[authk|$AUTHK]] * [[background|$BACKGROUND]] * [[cat|$CAT]] * [[catcnt|$CATCNT]] * [[desc|$DESC]] * [[desccnt|$DESCCNT]] * [[desckey|$DESCKEY]] * [[desckeycnt|$DESCKEYCNT]] * [[descvalcnt|$DESCVALCNT]] * [[descvalue|$DESCVALUE]] * [[enddesc|$ENDDESC]] * [[endstock|$ENDSTOCK]] * [[imgy|$IMGY]] * [[lang|$LANG]] * [[lib|$LIB]] * [[libcnt|$LIBCNT]] * [[libk|$LIBK]] * [[stockcnt|$STOCKCNT]] * [[txt|$TXT]] * [[txtcnt|$TXTCNT]] * [[txtend|$TXTEND]] ===== Undefined topics ===== * [[speak_to_pantograph|speak to pantograph]] * [[tttmedit|'Edit' Menu Item]] ===== Hidden topics ===== * [[infowindow|Info-Window]] * [[windowtest|Windowtest]] * [[fullscreentest|Fullscreen test]] * [[fileselection|File selection]] * [[backup|Backup]]