The following keyboard shortcuts are programmed for the Configuration Window:

A1 Selects the tabbed page with the file names and functions  
A2 Selects the tabbed page with the parameters for full screen mode
A3 Selects the tabbed page with the parameters for window mode  
A4 Selects the tabbed page with the parameters for the associated files.
Cw Activates or opens a Stock List window.

If there is already a Stock List window open when the keystrokes are made, this window is given precedence (i.e. is selected and comes to the forefront).  If there is no Stock List window open, a new one is opened.  When one is in the Stock List window, and presses Cw again, a second window of the same Stock List is opened.

Cd Invokes the Description Editor
Cg Invokes the Graphic Testpad


Ce Invokes the Timetable Editor and loads the active Timetable File into it.
Cn Invokes the Timetable Editor with a new, empty timetable file in it.
% Starts the program in window test mode
B% Starts the program in full-screen mode.

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