
A train arrives, the engine will be uncoupled, it runs around the train on another track, comes back on the other side (possibly doesn't leave the screen at all, if the screen is wide enough), couples to the train on the other side, and departs back to the side it originally came in from.

TB = <WaitTime>; Waiting time and actions before the train enters the screen.
C = <Train>; List of the vehicles comprising the train - without the locomotive running around.
C1 = <Train> ; The locomotive
D = <Direction>; Direction which the train comes in at the beginning.
V = <Speed>; Speed at which the train enters the screen.
P = <Place>; Point on the screen which the train stops at. Referencing the middle refers to the coupling point of the locomotive and the train.
B = <Deceleration>; Deceleration rate, at which the train comes to a halt.
BEFORE; A single keyword (parameter without a value) specifying, that the locomotive runs to the other side before the train.
BEHIND; A single keyword (parameter without value) specifying, that the locomotive tuns to the other side behind the train. Of course, you should use only one of the BEFORE and BEHIND keywords.
T1 = <WaitTime>; Duration of time and animations called (if any) between the halt of the train and the start of the locomotive.
A1 = <Acceleration>; Acceleration rate of the locomotive, when it runs alone.
B1 = <Deceleration>; Deceleration rate of the locomotive, when it runs alone.
P1 = <Place>; First turning point of the locomotive. The middle format of the <Place> parameter means the middle of the locomotive.
T2 = <WaitTime>; Duration of time and animations called (if any) when the locomotive stops on the first turning point.
P2 = <Place>; Second turning point of the locomotive. The middle format of the <Place> parameter means the middle of the locomotive.
T3 = <WaitTime>; Duration of time and animations called (if any) when the locomotive stops on the second turning point.
T4C = <WaitTime>; Duration of time and animations called (if any) when the locomotive stops before the train.
T4 = <WaitTime>; Duration of time and animations called (if any) when the locomotive is coupled to the train, until the whole train departs.
A = <Acceleration>; Acceleration rate of the locomotive together with the train, when they depart.
V2 = <Speed>; Maximum speed the train accelerates when leaving the screen.
TE = <WaitTime>; Waiting time and actions after the train has left the screen.
W = <Row>; Simple roadbed which appears under (or in the case of catenary, also above) the train.
BG = <FgBg>; Background picture(s) shown behind the moving train.
FG = <FgBg>; Foreground picture(s) shown before the moving train.
WP = <PointList>; Waypoint(s) which determine points along the roadbed which, when passed by the train, actions can be triggered.
TX = <LineText> ; Descriptive text under the track.
TXX = <Place> ; Horizontal position of the descriptive text.
TXY = <Integer> ; Vertical position of the descriptive text.
TXC = <Color> ; Character colour of the descriptive text.
TXB = <Color> ; Background colour of the descriptive textt.