
<Place> == <PlacePoint> || <Align> <PlacePoint>

<Align> == * || < || > || @+ || @- || @*

<PlacePoint> == <PlaceBase> || <PlaceBase> + <PlaceOffset> || <PlaceBase> - <PlaceOffset>

<PlaceBase> == <Integer>

<PlaceOffset> == <Integer>

Stopping point of a train or a place on the background.

The syntax is <Integer> + <Integer> or <Integer> - <Integer>. But the first or second number can be omitted.  The first <Integer> number represents a percentage value of the screen width from left to right.  The second <Integer> number gives the distance in pixels left (-) or right (+) from the from the point determined by the first <Integer>.

The codes for <Align> are:

< place on left side of the vehicle (or background picture).
* place in the middle of the vehicle picture (or the background picture).
> place on the right side of the vehicle (or background picture).
@+ Depends on the direction which the front of the vehicle takes on the screen.  If the vehicle comes from the right, the percentual distance and the offset will be computed from the right.
@- Depends on the direction which the rear of the vehicle takes on the screen.  If the vehicle comes from the left, the percentual distance and the offset will be computed from the left.
@* Depends on the direction which the middle of the vehicle takes on the screen.  If the vehicle comes from the right, the percentual distance and the offset will be computed from the right.
(nothing) Place on the front of the vehicle (or centre of the background picture).

The definition of left, right and middle are dependent on the usage of the program.  As an example, the middle point of the Movements CUT and CHANGE is defined as the middle point between the two portions (train parts).  In the description of a Movement composed of only one part, the middle point is determined to be the middle of the part, unless otherwise set forth in a P= parameter. If, however, two train parts are involved, left means the left edge of the leftmost train part (which can be dependent on the direction of travel)  whereas right means the right edge of the right train part.  The middle means, in this case, the contact point between the two parts.  If one of the parts is changed out during the movement, then the dimensions of the first unit to appear on the screen determine the middle point on the screen.