The Find menu item provides functions for searching and for renaming picture resources.

Universal characteristics for all search functions:

For further searches:

The Find menu is spit into two sections with the following contents:

Name … - finds a picture based on its name: The function jumps to the first picture that matches the search criteria.  The search criteria are input in a window:

Pattern matching by wildcards is available for this search: * means a sequence of characters,   ?  means one single character.

Author - finds pictures based on their author. The author data can appear in several different fashions based on the settings of the program.  It will either be the author's full name, an abbreviation thereof or a nickname.

Type - finds pictures based on the colour Type code:

Way - Finds pictures based on their pathway parameter:

Description Missing - finds pictures which have no Description associated with them.

Description Exists - finds pictures which have a Description associated with them.

Unused - finds pictures for which the 'used' marker is unselected.

Used - finds pictures for which the 'used' marker is selected.

Phase Picture Missing Step Length - finds phase pictures that are missing a step length value.

High But Not E or T - finds pictures which are as high as the catenary, but not associated with the pathway codes E or T.

Library Candidate - finds pictures which are listed in the Stock List file, but not associated with a *.tvl library.

Find Again - searches again for the same search term as the last search.

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