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Translations of this page:



[WO: <Name>,<PictureName>,<NumberOfFrames>,<FrameWidth>,<FrameHeight>,<SourceX>,<SourceY> , <StepX>,<StepY> ]
[WO: <Name>,<PictureName> ]

[WB: <Name>,<PictureName>,<NumberOfFrames>,<FrameWidth>,<FrameHeight>,<SourceX>,<SourceY> , <StepX>,<StepY> ]
[WB: <Name>,<PictureName> ]

[WT: <Name>,<PictureName>,<NumberOfFrames>,<FrameWidth>,<FrameHeight>,<SourceX>,<SourceY> , <StepX>,<StepY> ]
[WT: <Name>,<PictureName> ]

[WIN: <NumberOfFrames>,<FrameWidth>,<FrameHeight>,<SourceX>,<SourceY> , <StepX>,<StepY> ]

Window Overlay before

Window overlay Behind

Window overlay Transparent

This modifiers act on the window areas defined by the [WD: ] modifier. The <Name> parameter selects, which window type - which window definition creatted by a [WD: ] modifier - is mentioned. To all the window areas in that definition will be copied a

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en/traffic/documentation/wo.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/09 17:52 (external edit)