<GlobalModifiers> == <GlobalModifier> || <GlobalModifiers> <GlobalModifier>

<GlobalModifier> == < || > || [! <Criteria> ] || [MP: <Simple> ] || [MI: <Simple> ] || < PantographState> || <Modifier>

<PantographState> == [PDO] || [PNO] || [PD] || [PN] || [PLU] || [P1U] || [PRU] || [P2U] || [PMU] || [P3U] || [P4U] || [PDU] || [P12U] || [PU] || [PFU] || [PBU] || [PFIU] || [PBIU] || [PHU] || [PTU]  

<GlobalModifiers> are modifiers that act on all the vehicles after them. They can be placed at the head of a train definition, before a train part enclosed in parentheses or before a called macro (a called macro behaves always, as if it were enclosed in parentheses). They can be placed outside or inside the parentheses but, if they are used together with macros, they must be placed either inside the macro definition at the very beginning–before the first vehicle–or they must be placed outside where the macro is called.  You can use them at both the definition or usage point of the macros. <GlobalModifiers> used with parentheses or macros act only on the vehicles inside those parentheses or macro. <GlobalModifiers> at the very beginning of the train act on the whole train.

Definition direction

Criteria for conditional modifiers

Maximal train(part) length

Pantograph state settings

Since Version 4 of Traffic you may use each modifier as a global modifier - you can, for example, recolour whole trains with a single modifier in front of the train definition.