
<WaitTime> == <WaitElement> || <WaitTime> , <WaitElement>

<WaitElement> == <SecToWait> || <AnimCmd> || W || <SpecialAction>

<SecToWait> == <Integer>

<SpecialAction> == [ <SpecActionName> : <Parameters> ]

A <WaitTime> is, in its simplest form, a number which determines the duration of time between the end of one event  (a train comes to a stop on the screen) and the beginning of another (the train sets forth again).   The maximum wait time cannot exceed 60 seconds.

Different wait times can follow each other and can be combined and attached to various animations.  The animations are set forth in [A: ] commands or in some other type of animation definition.  The wait time and the beginnings of animations must be separated by commas.   The start of and animation does not necessarily call for a wait time.   Therefore, multiple animations can be started simultaneously or an animation can still be running when a train sets itself in motion again.  The special “animation” command W or ( WAIT) sets up a  time loop which holds all actions until all of the animations connected to the vehicle have finished running (but not those attached to background or foreground images).  So, for example, in T=1,PD,5,PBU,W; the locomotive does not begin moving again until the pantograph animation has raised the rear pantograph completely.  Special information about the pantograph animations can be found  in the chapter Pantograph state changes.

How to start animations - how to select, in which train, in which vehicle, which animation and which action will be started - is described in the Actions chapter.