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Brightness & Contrast

Traffic provides the ability to adjust brightness and contrast on images. Thus, for example, vehicles that have been drawn in different styles and thus different colors can be matched to each other. Also foreground or background pictures can be adapted to each other and to used vehicles.


The formulation for adjusting the brightness and contrast is:

[BC:<brightness change>, <contrast change>]

Both values are given as decimal fractions with a decimal point instead of a comma and up to two digits behind it. Since both the brightness and the contrast can be increased and reduced, the control range is from -1 to 1. 0 stands for maintaining the original value.

A brightness change of 1 causes a completely white picture, -1 blackens the picture. With a contrast change of 1, all color values are brought to the next extreme or close to it (ie either 0 or 255 or FF), at -1 the whole image is colored medium gray.

Transparent areas are excluded from these changes, and even black (# 000000) areas are only affected by Brightness 1 or Contrast -1. At the same time, animated doors, page variations and pantograph are currently excluded.

It is also possible to change rectangular sections of an image; These are specified with coordinates that define the lower left corner on the one hand and the dimensions of an area on the other hand.

[BC:<brightness change>, <contrast change>, <left end of range>, <lower end of range>, <width of range>, <height of range>]

In one formulation, any number of areas can be specified in succession. As already mentioned, the whole picture is changed if no area is specified.


Brightness and contrast changes can be hung on virtually any location on images and even on vehicle groups.

<Name des Bildes>[BC:<Helligkeitsänderung>,<Kontraständerung>]

In einem Makro in der Fahrzeugliste eingetragen, wirken sich die Änderungen auf alle Fahrpläne aus.

In an timetable, such a change formula can be hung on individual vehicles or other images, vehicle groups or groups of images (which are then to be summarized in brackets) and even macros; this can be done both in the definition of a macro, for example to adapt a particular vehicle in this timetable, or also directly in the movement.

By the way, pictures and sections can also be treated several times. Thus, parts of an image can be in several areas of the same change and thus affected by the same change several times; as well, several independent changes can be hung on the same image.

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en/traffic/brightness_contrast.1537647685.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/22 22:21 by bahnfrank65